At the Study and Research Centre of Fondazione Campus – created in 2008 by a group of academics of the Universities of Pisa, Milan Bicocca, Pavia and Lugano and by qualified professionals in the field – study and research activities are conducted with a multidisciplinary and international perspective in the field of tourism, and more generally, of the ‘Local knowledge’ (local development, art, cultural management).
The synergy between “free research” activities and “consultancy activities”, representing the main strength of the Centre, is integrated by the academic and managerial training activity, which we are convinced can achieve levels of excellence only by applying the methods and approaches being peculiar to research.
The Centre, coordinated by Prof. Enrica Lemmi, relies on a team of specialized researchers studying the many aspects of the area and of tourism.
The Centre conducts its activities using a method based on the following qualifying points: multidisciplinarity, internationalization, networking, use of laboratories, empirical verification, constant exchange with public and private actors, quantitative measurement models.
The Centre is interested in developing research projects on the study of governance, of development policies and of the development and promotion of local resources.
The Study and Research Centre puts together a wide range of competences in the following thematic areas:
- Cultural heritage
- Communication and media
- Law
- Marketing
- Territorial systems
- Management and Tourism
The consultancy activity of the Study and Research Centre is intended for the public and private actors managing the phenomenon of tourism in all its aspects. The main services concern:
- Activation and management of Tourism Observatories
- Participatory processes to define statistic indicators of sustainability and competitiveness for tourist destinations
- Benchmarking
- Database management and data analysis
- Analysis of tourism supply and demand
- Analysis of tourist flows
- Customer satisfaction surveys
- Web marketing
The HOST Project, Heritage of Olive Tree for Sustainable Tourism, is financed by the COSME Programme of the European Commission, which is aimed at supporting the competitiveness of European small and medium enterprises for the period 2014-2020.
The general aim of the project is to contribute to revitalise the local economies of four rural areas (Monte Pisano – Italy, Isle of Lesbos – Greece, Koper – Slovenia, Zeitun – Malta), and to preserve their natural and cultural heritage. The project is aimed at the tourism sector, seen as a driver of economic development.
Thanks to HOST, the 4 areas will be promoted as a single tourist product under the brand of the Virtual Transnational Route of Olive Tree, through the following activities:
- Promotion of routes and transnational tourist itineraries, both physical and virtual, through the development of an innovative marketing strategy
- Support to the competitiveness, participation and cooperation of the local small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through a training programme for SMEs and the creation of business networks.
- Diversification of sustainable tourist products and services through the creation of innovative tourist packages.
In the framework of the activities developed by the HOST project, a dedicated call for applications has been published for the training activities included in the project.
The call is addressed to small and medium enterprises of the tourism industry of Monte Pisano (municipalities of San Giuliano Terme, Calci, Vicopisano, Buti, Capannori, Lucca and Vecchiano) and to unemployed people having a valid business idea and being interested in developing their business by building up skills linked to the training sectors targeted by the programme. The call for interest does not involve any cost for beneficiaries, and the participation in the activities is also free of charge.
To download the application form, click here. Applications shall be submitted by 10 February 2016.
The MontePisano business network provides assistance for the submission of applications to any company that may be interested, also outside the network. To receive support and information, call 366694933, reference person Raffaella Nocchi, or send an email to info(at)montepisano.travel with “HOST training” as object.